Criminal Defence

Criminal L​awyers Brisbane

Gilshenan & Luton defend criminal charges across the entire range of offences – from straightforward matters such as minor assaults and drug possession cases, through to the most complex cases of homicide, financial crime, and large scale drug matters.

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Criminal Lawyers Brisbane

Articles - Criminal Defence

Regulatory offences in Queensland

Regulatory offences in Queensland

In Queensland, there are two types of offences: criminal offences and regulatory offences. Criminal offences are by far the most common, but in this article, we explore the lesser-known topic of regulatory offences.
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Possessing child exploitation material – charges and penalties

Possessing child exploitation material – charges and penalties

In Australia, there are a wide variety of criminal offences relating to unlawfully dealing with child pornography, also known as child exploitation material. These include the offences of unlawful possession, access, distribution and making of CEM; the most common offence being that of possession.
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Police interviews involving children

Police interviews involving children

When police wish to interview a child in relation to a suspected offence, special rules apply. Parents and those with the care of a child who the police want to question should seek urgent legal advice from the outset, before any interview takes place.
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NDIS fraud – investigations and penalties

NDIS fraud – investigations and penalties

The NDIS Commission uses a range of compliance and enforcement tools to prevent and address breaches of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, including NDIS fraud and other non-compliance activities.
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