
Category: Weapons Licensing

Weapons licensing show cause requests

Weapons licensing show cause requests

When further information is required to adequately determine a weapon’s licence application, it is ordinarily sought in the form of a show cause notice which is emailed to the applicant and identifies the further information requested by the authorised officer.
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Weapons licensing for armourers and theatrical ordnance suppliers Queensland

Weapons licensing for armourers and theatrical ordnance suppliers Queensland

The findings of an inquest into the death of a stuntman whilst filming a music video in Queensland were the catalyst for a review and scrutiny of the role of armourers and theatrical ordnance suppliers by Weapons Licensing (QLD).
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Appeal options for firearms licence disputes

Has your Queensland firearms licence been suspended, revoked, or rejected?

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of suspended or revoked firearms licences and rejected new applications. Importantly, there is an avenue to review these decisions in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
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Amended guidelines to assess weapons licensing in Queensland

Amended guidelines to assess weapons licensing in Queensland

Amendments to weapons licencing assessments have seen an apparent increase in the number of refusals to grant or renew a license. If you've had an adverse decision about your application, you have 28 days to appeal to QCAT.
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New laws for replica firearms in Queensland – February 2021

Replica firearms (gel blasters) & other restricted items

In February 2021, new laws came into effect in Queensland to address the purchase, possession, storage and use of replica firearms.
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