The community is increasingly confronted with situations involving the creation and distribution of sexually-explicit content. In recognition of this, Queensland has now implemented legislative reform to combat the ever-growing problem commonly known as ‘revenge porn’.
If you are convicted of a sexual offence against a child you will also be subject to reporting conditions. Offenders should familiarise themselves with their obligations under the Act, as failure to meet their obligations may lead to criminal charges, and possibly imprisonment.
Unlawful striking causing death is a criminal offence that was introduced to Queensland’s Criminal Code in 2014. It is aimed at criminalising ‘coward punches’, particularly where such violence is alcohol fuelled. The offence also gets referred to as the ‘one punch law’.
Sexual assault is any assault (an unlawful touching) of an indecent nature regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or relationship with the offender. The most common question which arises in cases of sexual assault is “what does indecent mean”?